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Dream Tarot

Dream Tarot

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"Hero's Path""Hero's Path"
"House Of Argus On Fire""House Of Argus On Fire"
"I Question What I See""I Question What I See"
"Icarus Falls In Des Moines""Icarus Falls In Des Moines"
"Icarus Tree""Icarus Tree"
"If Not for Time, the Sky Would be White with Stars""If Not for Time, the Sky Would be White with Stars"
"In The First World""In The First World"
"Just So""Just So"
"Karma""Karma"stay conscious of our effect on the world around us!
"Lao Tzu And Rene Descartes Engage In A Philosophical Battle""Lao Tzu And Rene Descartes Engage In A Philosophical Battle"
"Le Mer""Le Mer"
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